Another Tales of game will able available for smartphones soon! It can be downloaded via the App Store or Google Play and the release date is this coming Spring.
It is called Tales of Asteria and the concept of it is bringing some of the main characters from the Tales of games (listed below) to a new world and thm battling for star pieces. It will most likely feature religion as a theme as, I believe, the other games do.
So backtracking, the first Tales of Game I played was Tales of Symphonia.
I love just about everything in Tales of Symphonia (for GC & Play Station) and still play it to date on the Wii. The characters are likable, the scenes are humorous and very few of the twists are predictable, unless you are a major gamer. For those who haven't played it or it's sequel (Dawn of the New World), Namco is releasing a remastered edition for the PS3. It's available via Amazon for $39.99 + free shipping.
I would highly recommend it and it can be found
I haven't played
Tales of Xillia,
Tales of Phantasia,
Tales of Vesperia, or
Tales of the Abyss
but I've heard good things about them. Each of the above games feature one of the main characters in Tales of Asteria and if you're like me and want to know more about a particular game, especially if it features cameos, then I would recommend playing through them. They can be found at relatively cheap prices, depending on if you don't mind second-hand items.
Now the trick to Tales of Asteria is that while downloading it and the general game-play is free, there will be features within the game that will need to be purchased. Whether it's mandatory or not is yet to be seen but chances are, they will be in a very indirect way.
Ah well.
Check out the PV and I hope you become as enthusiastic as I did :D