When Gundam SEED Destiny (GSD) aired, and after, one of the most controversial issues how the relationship between Athrun and Cagalli (AsuCaga) was handled. They started from being enemies to becoming lovers in Gundam SEED, then in the sequel, Destiny, things went...sideways. .
When they first shared screentime in episode 24 in Gundam SEED, they quickly became fan favourites and continued to be the #1 ship in fandom. It was an odd dynamic, where Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne were favourtes as individual characters, but AsuCaga were the #1 ship.
The first series, Gundam SEED, had many appealing factors, like racism, war, teen kids caught up in the war of the previous generation, genetic modification, romance between the two primary 'races' (Naturals and Coordinators), among others. Unfortunately, the second series suffered many criticisms, such as pacing and character oddities. GSD aired when I was in my teams and still remember the frustration with the destruction of Cagalli's character, and then the patch up job all too well.
AsuCaga was an amazing ship, as it went beyond feelings for one another. Their pairing in the context of Naturals vs. Coordinators and being children of nation leaders was an irresistible allure.
The analysis is of the AsuCaga ship in Destiny and contains opinions and spoilers. I won't look at every single scene and interaction because I don't feel it's necessary. I chose the remastered version for reference because I'm not reviewing the series and the original was a huge mess.
Please keep this in mind before continuing.

This eventually led to Athrun enlisting in the army since Durandel acknowledged Athrun's capabilities. Durandel noticed the confusion in Athrun because at the end of the day, he was only 18 years old and lacked the experience Durandel clearly had, allowing for successful manipulation.
Following Athrun's departure, the audience learned Cagalli's resolve wasn't as strong as we hoped. After re-watching the first few episodes and paying attention to the dialogue in Orb's administration meeting, as well as reading The Orb Union's wiki page, I understood that the Seiran family had its own agenda from Uzumi's time. This left Cagalli in a tough spot because debating with all of them needed a strong resolve.
Her arguments weren't successful.
Then came along the controversial wedding, a decision Cagalli reluctantly agreed with.
I feel she gave in hopes of a better future for Orb, not for personal happiness, obviously. In her letter to Kira, she sounded very hesitant and trapped, not entirely sure what to do. This is what happens when one feels completely alone: bad decisions.
Poor Athrun was shocked after receiving the news.
It was after this episode that many fans joined either Team Cagalli or Team Athrun, blaming either or for events which included the both of them.
I don't think it's either or. Athrun, in episode 8, stated he understood the situation in regards to Yuna but 'doesn't like it'. It was here that I felt both of their priorities were not one another but something else.
In Cagalli's case, it was Orb. All in all, her decisions and inner conflict seemed to revolve around her father and his sudden death, his words constantly echoing in her mind. She hadn't moved on from his death and was overshadowed by his dedication to Orb. He was the only politician to sacrifice himself for his ideals. The pressure for her to do right for the country was tremendous.
For Athrun, it was finding the right path. Even in SEED, his intentions as a soldier were never his own, as Lacus pointed out. It was at the end that he found his motivation. This pattern was repeated in Destiny - I feel he is not what he could be or hadn't reached his potential yet.
Following the wedding, it was fascinating to see Kira becoming Cagalli's rock. Along with love for his sibling, he most likely saw the distressed Kira from two years ago in her, one who was unsure of himself and only joined the war to protect his friends. He was also one of the only ones to be so direct with her, to the point of worrying Lacus.
Eventually all of it came together and hearing Freedom being the kidnappers (and breaking international law) gave him a sense of relief...or maybe a bit more confusion as to why Kira joined the fray. There was much he wasn't aware of.
Please keep this in mind before continuing.
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Special Ending Clip |
Transition: From Gundam SEED to Gundam SEED Destiny
This image came from Gundam SEED's special endings, specifically the one after Uzumi decided to self-destruct Orb's arsenal so the Earth Alliance couldn't get their hands on the primary pieces, and sacrificing himself in the process. The image is my favourite of the two.
The animation and colours are gorgeous. Both Cagalli and Athrun's expressions showed us peace and care. In the sequence, we see the zoomed out version, where we see Athrun held Cagalli by the waist, before the overlaying one showed up. The production used openings and endings to show what couldn't be conveyed, as we never saw these two look at one another this way in the series.
Gundam SEED ended with an OVA. It showed us Athrun and Cagalli visiting Kira and Lacus. The duo lived with the Reverend and orphaned children. We learned Cagalli and Athrun worked in the Orb administration, where Cagalli took over for Uzumi and Athrun supported her. Kira had severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Lacus stayed with him to recover.
GSD launches: Athrun's cognitive dissonance
When GSD launched, we learned that between SEED and Destiny, Cagalli gave Athrun with another identity - Alex Dino. Something to consider were possible repercussions of giving a new identity to a ZAFT war hero in a country that was supposedly a neutral space for Coordinators and Naturals. What could this have possible done?
Identity, power, responsibility, and legacy were large themes in Destiny. Athrun's role in the series amplified these themes because becoming an unknown bodyguard from ZAFT solider extraordinaire Athrun Zala was too drastic a change.
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Athrun as Alex Dino |
In Gundam SEED, Athrun got a healthy amount of attention in SEED because he was Patrick Zala's son, a talented soldier, and engaged to Lacus Clyne, one of the most popular public figures. Though he was soft natured in SEED, I don't doubt an ego existed underneath everything. Identity and ego are closely linked.
Returning to Gundam SEED's finale, Athrun thought to sacrifice himself to destroy GENESIS, the weapon Patrick Zala left to Athrun to use. Those were his last words to Athrun, leaving him a legacy of genocide, essentially. That's going to **** up someone pretty badly, and it did to him. His response was to sacrifice himself because what else was left?
He pushed Cagalli away when he got closer but she followed him in, and saved his life. They both escaped after leaving Justice behind to detonate.
Now, Kira and Lacus had two years to recover from the war. Athrun and Cagalli didn't and without a doubt, they also had PSTD. They handled it like many do, throwing themselves in work, specifically rebuilding Orb, Cagalli especially. I'm fairly sure that Cagalli, hearing and seeing what happened with GENESIS, and between Patrick and Athrun, thought she did him a kind thing by giving him another identity.
I'm sure Athrun appreciated it, but being Alex Dino didn't give him time to heal. Yuna Seiran would belittle him when he could because he was a threat to Cagalli's affections, and it seemed Cagalli neglected Athrun because she was so disorganized. He didn't have any power in this role, and didn't have the influence over Cagalli that he wanted.
In episode 1 of GSD, he showed his disapproval in Cagalli choosing to wear the Representative suit, that had pants, rather than wearing a dress. She didn't seem like she cared for his feedback.
He wasn't skilled in politics - he was a talented solider. This was proven consistently. I'm sure Orb citizenship was needed to join Orb's army, or something similar. Plus, how would Orb react to a Coordinator joining them? In SEED, it was heavily implied that Naturals were more likely to be in the army. Also, being the son of Patrick Zala wasn't likely to win him points.
Cagalli: Uzumi's last hope for Orb
Now, let's look at Cagalli, the temperamental daughter of Orb's popular and honorable leader, Uzumi Nara Attha.
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Cagalli Yula Attha as Head Representative |
One of the elephants in the room was that, unforutantely, Cagalli served as Lacus' constrast. Lacus' charisma was unparallel. She was a natural leader, and in SEED, we saw someone who didn't hesitate to step up to Siegal Clyne's place as had of the Clyne Faction. She had room for improvement, and we needed to assume Siegal trained Lacus for a very long time to take over his position - there's no way the Clyne faction was founded in a short period of time.
Uzumi had noble heritage and adopted Cagalli. Therefore, when others referred to her as a princess, it was accurate. Her relationship with Uzumi was very well developed in SEED, starting out in episode 1 with sheer disappointment in him, to being nearly inconsolable when he died.
In SEED, Uzumi regretted giving her too much freedom - though she choose to fight in the rebel forces against Coordinator colonies, it was clear she was very privileged and spoiled. A privileged teen girl who had excellent marksmanship and physical combat skills. He wouldn't allow her to leave Orb again, because he needed to teach her many things. Again, a contrast to Lacus who was always by her father's side.
So...what is the most realistic outcome when she takes over as Head Representative?
She does not do well.
While Uzumi was alive, she had the freedom to allow her emotions lead the way. She had a bodyguard, friends, a full support staff, and many other resources. In today's world, many would label her as 'passionate'. She'd receive criticisms of her actions and rash decisions, but it always ended well for her. 2 years later, the same approach will not work well, as Orb's other Representatives didn't have patience for 'passionate.
The decline of AsuCaga
Athrun and Cagalli didn't have an emotional coach, like Kira had in Lacus. They had work colleagues. They were vulnerable. Sadly, vulnerability is the best phase for manipulation. Both of them contended with snakes - Athrun with Durandal, the PLANTS chairman, and Cagalli, with the Seiran family.
The awakening: joining the Minerva and shedding Alex Dino
In the beginning of the series, we were introduced to an upcoming meeting with Cagalli and Durandal, with Alex accompanying her. Durandal and Cagalli didn't agree on ideals regarding the accumulation of power.
Suddenly, the area came under attack by the Alliance, and Cagalli eventually became injured. Athrun was forced to take cover in the Minerva, where our protagonist, Shinn Asuka, resided, as did the tension between Orb and PLANTS.
When Cagalli sought emotional support after her confrontation with Shinn, Athrun wasn't able to provide. He tried, and the kind of support she needed was the kind she'd receive from Kira afterwards.
Instead, Athrun's skills were in combat. He had opportunities to join the battles and shed 'Alex Dino':
- Instructing Talia on how to maneuver the ship through the asteroids
- Joining Yzak and Dearka against the Junius 7 terrorist group
The Minerva was supportive of Athrun, and that fame was resounding throughout the ship.
Unfortunately, the group was successful and the dying words of the leader were in favour of Patrick Zala. Yikes, that was a huge trigger. But that trigger was the perfect layout for Athrun becoming Durandal's pawn.
The chairman asked:
A name reflects its owner's nature. But, what if a name is merely a fake? If something goes by a false name, wouldn't it mean that thing is fake? False by nature? Is that what it would mean? Alex... or is it Athrun Zala?
Thus, Athrun's inner conflict awoke.
After he saw the destruction on Earth and visited Kira, they talked about how powerless he felt where he was. Also, he held guilt and I'd argue felt responsible because the ones who did this were his father's followers.
Kira was the only one who didn't come from a notable or pristine family (his adopted family), so I can't imagine he would've been the best person to get advice from. It wasn't a reality he lived, he was a genius that lived in an ordinary situation.
Now, Cagalli was busier than usual with the terrorism attacks, as the Earth Alliance still wanted a partnership, or ownership, of Orb resources. This attack was the best time to leverage a partnership between Orb and Earth Alliance.
Naturally, Athrun couldn't feel useful here, this was Cagalli's battle and he wanted to be involved. It wasn't surprising when Athrun departed from Orb to meet Durandal. This was for two reasons, PLANTS was under pressure by the Atlantic Federation and he felt he could speak to Durandal for personal reasons, specifically a role to prevent a second war. Again, his 'career' was set up for success in PLANTS, not Orb.
Before he left, he gave Cagalli a promise ring. This would be the symbol of their relationship in the series, one that held them together by a string.
With a cute goodbye (the version in the remastered edition being my favourite), they part. Maybe they thought it wouldn't be long before they saw one another again. It was a good way to wrap up episode 13, showing us the last time they were together. I mean that more than one way.

Following Athrun's departure, the audience learned Cagalli's resolve wasn't as strong as we hoped. After re-watching the first few episodes and paying attention to the dialogue in Orb's administration meeting, as well as reading The Orb Union's wiki page, I understood that the Seiran family had its own agenda from Uzumi's time. This left Cagalli in a tough spot because debating with all of them needed a strong resolve.
Her arguments weren't successful.
Then came along the controversial wedding, a decision Cagalli reluctantly agreed with.
Poor Athrun was shocked after receiving the news.
It was after this episode that many fans joined either Team Cagalli or Team Athrun, blaming either or for events which included the both of them.
I don't think it's either or. Athrun, in episode 8, stated he understood the situation in regards to Yuna but 'doesn't like it'. It was here that I felt both of their priorities were not one another but something else.
In Cagalli's case, it was Orb. All in all, her decisions and inner conflict seemed to revolve around her father and his sudden death, his words constantly echoing in her mind. She hadn't moved on from his death and was overshadowed by his dedication to Orb. He was the only politician to sacrifice himself for his ideals. The pressure for her to do right for the country was tremendous.
For Athrun, it was finding the right path. Even in SEED, his intentions as a soldier were never his own, as Lacus pointed out. It was at the end that he found his motivation. This pattern was repeated in Destiny - I feel he is not what he could be or hadn't reached his potential yet.
Following the wedding, it was fascinating to see Kira becoming Cagalli's rock. Along with love for his sibling, he most likely saw the distressed Kira from two years ago in her, one who was unsure of himself and only joined the war to protect his friends. He was also one of the only ones to be so direct with her, to the point of worrying Lacus.
Direct was what Cagalli needed and Kira knew it. So from this point on, he become her support and protection as she struggled to resolve treason and conflict.
Athrun, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to Minerva's departure, Cagalli's wedding and her kidnapping, only to be enlightened by Lunamaria. His reaction was amusing.
And it is at this point that things truly become unfavourable for Cagalli and Athrun.
This is where I end the first part as it feels like a natural stopping point. Please look forward to next week's Part II featuring Meer, Meyrin & lack of communication ;)
Hi there =) Thank you for sharing your analysis on Hibiscus. I must say, you have provided a fairly in-depth analysis about AsuCaga, as well as the series, so far. I look forward to reading more =)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comment and the compliments =) I just hope this helps the hate I've been seeing recently when it comes to these two ;)
DeleteHi According to the interview to the voice actors it was not a promise ring he gave it to her, actually it was an engagement ring. And Athrun even knowing cagalli abd Yuuna had something because of their parents decisions, he thought that he did not have to worry about since he already did a step forward. Well about haters it is your point of view it is not like that is how it is. But well done :)